Sunday, December 4, 2011

When is enough ... well enough?

There seems to be a disagreement among me and mine. I think getting drunk and staying up all night, while of course conversing with other females .. just not ok! Really! I am at a loss for what to do. I am so sick and tired of the same old bullshit! For the last four years (well that I know of), my dear darling husband has been having little facebook relationships with random skanks!
He is slick though, he only gets caught occasionally, you know when the massive amount of alcohol intake helps him miss a delete of a message.
I think the best one to date is the very first one I found! While asking me to come look at his facebook page at a lovey note he wrote to me, he forgot to exit out of his prior conversation. This other conversation had a whole bunch of "I love you" in it. So doesn't that make my sweet little note nothing but repetitive, and worth nothing. The next one I found was when he was actually making fun of me because I was sick. That was classic. The lies that he tells these ignorant douche bags is even ridiculous. One even had the nerve to tell him to have me come up to NY to see her. BIG mistake.. HUGE! I guess she must be ill informed about the fact that I am not a very nice person when pissed off.
When is enough .. well enough?
I guess maybe I am a masochist!
The last one I found has actually progressed from facebook to the phone. Best part, biggest kicker... she's a lesbian. WTF!
Is it his undying yearning to piss me off, or is he just such a weak insecure man that he needs these other women make him feel like a man? I don't get it, I really dont!
So tonight I am out Christmas shopping and my dear sweet darling fuckhead decides .. oh she's not here .... let me drink and get on the phone. And lie, lie, lie!
While out with a girlfriend of mine today I recieved a little cat call.. and it was nice, but I wasn't like yeah baby give me those digits.
Anybody have an answer how a man can be such a raging fucking asshole?

OOOOH yeah and the really great kicker for the evening is... he is drinking and invites people over tomorrow to watch football. Did I even get a choice...nope. Did I get a .. hey babe any plans tomorrow ... nope. You wanna know what I got... hold your asses this is a good one. After I get back from Christmas shopping and I am already pissed because super drunk is in the building I get these sweet caring loving words....

"This is how it's gonna be, I got people coming over tomorrow to watch football, and there will be snacks, and my house will be spotless!"

Now if it were just some guys coming over, no biggy I could just go about my own business. Nope one is bringing his wife. Now I really do like his wife, but I have a college paper due tomorrow that I need to finish. Soooo.... guess my wants and needs just don't count.

Maybe I need hot steamy online romances like he seems to adore. Maybe then I wouldn't give a shit about anything but me and what I want! I am so fucking tired of him being so blind. We can't even go out to a bar without him getting angry because I have guys hit on me. Even in the local store I get special smiles. Now I ignore all this. I think I may need to start smiling back.

It really sucks feeling like I am just not enough. But then I think about the things I do, you know the "things" I do. Any many would love to pampered the way he is. I think it just might be getting close to divorce 0'clock. I want to be appreciated, and played with, and adored equally. I am sick of this one way relationship, where truthfully alcohol seems to run it! I am worth a lot more than having to compete with lonely facebook skanks!
Okay, I have done the ranting of a housewife, now maybe I will go surf facebook! HA!

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