Thursday, February 4, 2010


So after my first post, my hubby and oldest daughter read it and I was severely scolded. LMAO! I was scolded by my child for not mentioning exactly how funny and pretty and wonderful she is. Well please let me correct myself! She is soooo very very funny and extremely beautiful and oh so talented and wonderful!
My hubby. HMMM about that! I think I didn't mention him in my first post because I could just go on and on about him. We have been married for 16 years now. It is insane how long that is! I won't say that they have all been wonderful. Not even close. We are way too alike to really get along all the time. He has his certain shall we say "quirks" that I just still can't seem to get a grip on. He has come a long way since I first married him, yet there is still that rebellious part of him that I haven't quite figured out how to break him of. It's those little moments that really make me want to kill him. lol For the most part we are your average married couple. We laugh, love, fight, scream, love, laugh. He has truly became a part of me. I would feel a huge loss if we were not together. Eventually I think I will be able to break him of his naughty habits and we will live in bliss. How boring would that be, everyday everything peachy keen. BLAH!
I find way too much humor in our small tiffs. I could do without the big ones though! Such as I get up early so I can make his lunch for him, and he leaves the coffee pot empty, RRRRRRR! I say I am exhausted from the kids fighting and yelling and he resolves it by .. yup you got it.. fighting and yelling! Another thing I can't understand is the whole unable to go to bed when your tired. What is the big kick about sleeping on the couch? I don't get it. Is that a guy thing or just a my guy thing? There are all these little things that drive me crazy, however I wouldn't live without them. Keeps me on my toes.
I look forward to many many more years of him driving me nuts!
There I have rectified my errors and I can with good conscience get on with the rest of my day! I may post again today if something strikes my fancy.

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